• Trademark and Copy Right Matters
  • Have you created your own products or brands? Is your good name protected against unauthorized use? Our attorneys can help you establish any trademarks or copyright you may need to protect your business.

  • Employment Matters
  • Do you really know who is working for you? Have all your employees undergone a thorough background check? Have you ever had money or goods mysteriously disappear? Our staff includes investigators who can pre-screen prospective employees, check out the ones you already have, examine your accounts and security systems and investigate any other matter you may have in your place of business.

  • Contractual Matters:
  • Individuals and corporate organizations deal with dozen if not hundreds of suppliers. Disputes inevitably arise, and it is vital to know your rights. Do you have an iron clad contract with every supplier and delivery company to protect you in case of disagreement? Our law firm with her experienced solicitors is ready to protect you against same.

  • Local, State and National Regulatory Matters:
  • In Nigeria, almost all aspect of human endeavor is controlled by regulations. Do you fully understand your rights and responsibilities to these authorities? Do you know what to do in case of a recall or other official order? We know the law; we are conversant with its applicability and we are ready to help.

  • Advocacy:
  • The firm with its articulate attorneys who have an homegrown knowledge and practice of law are conversant with and skilled in advocacy skills which will enable the client to get the best result in any litigation.

  • Land And Property Matters:
  • We prepare and perfect Deeds of Mortgage, Charges and Debentures. We also prepare and vet Title Deeds, Deeds of Assignment, Lease Agreements and obtaining of relevant Statutory Consent for all these transaction.


  • Contract and Commercial Transaction:
  • The Firm has extensive experience of advising Nigerian and International businesses on corporate financial transactions, particularly mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and restructing.

    We incorporate companies and file necessary statutory returns in compliance with the Companies and Allied Matters Act. We also undertake Debt Recovery on behalf of our Clients.

    We advise and undertake Share Purchase Agreement, Equity Adjustment Restructing, Mergers and Acquisitions and undertake due diligence on behalf of our clients.

  • Legal Secretarial Services:
  • The Firm provides Legal Secretarial Services to commercial companies. Some of her leading Clients International Masters Security Systems, one of the foremost private security providers in Nigeria and Risk Solution Masters Insurance Brokers Limited, a top insurance company.

  • Debt Recovery and Strutinization
  • The Firm has a long standing experience in debt recovery and has record of high success rate of her client

  • General Practice:
  • The firm does general practice which includes but not limited to all kinds of legal services covering property management, equipment lease, immigration, maritime and legal aid. All the solicitors in chamber have made their marks in their own right in legal practice.

    Others includes

    • Negotiations, Drafting and Vetting Of Legal Agreements
    • Legal and Legislative Drafting
    • Telecommunication and Internet
